Skawahlook has developed a land use plan for our reserves and traditional territories.

A land use plan expresses the vision of the people as a spatial arrangement of land use, facilities, and activities.
Land use planning allows economic, cultural, and social development while ensuring sustainability.

The Land and the People

Vision of the People

Ruby Creek I.R. #2

The Land Use Plan begins with the story of our People and S’ólh Téméxw (the land).  It defines the multi-level jurisdiction that we assert over our land.  We have a shared interest in the lands which our ancestors roamed.  On these lands we accessed resources, and our Stó:lō and Nlaka’pamux neighbours did the same.  Sq’ewá:lxw has core interests in our tribal watershed which was never ceded and is rightfully under our direct stewardship. Sq’ewá:lxw reserve land is under the immediate control of the Nation and administered under the Sq’ewá:lxw Land Code.

The People of Sq’ewá:lxw have expressed our vision of the future as follows:

We, the Sq’ewá:lxw First Nation strive to achieve a healthy, proud and prosperous community for future generations and for ourselves. We will achieve the goal of building a self-sufficient community with the energy of our Council, the guidance of our community members, and the support of external partner organizations.

Our Land Use Plan fully aligns with that vision.

Land Use Guidance - Core Interests Area

Land Use Guidance - Reserve Lands

Skawahlook I.R. #1

For use within our Core Interests Area Skawahlook utilizes the land use area types and associated land use guidance defined by the S’ólh Téméxw Use Plan developed by the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre:

  • Cultural Landscape Feature
  • Sanctuary
  • Protected Watershed
  • Sensitive Waterway
  • Subalpine Parkland

For application on our reserve lands Sq’ewá:lxw has developed land use zones along with guidance as to acceptable land use as follows (colours listed relate to the maps to the right):

  • Environmental Protection (green)
  • Cultural and Traditional (brown)
  • Community Recreation (yellow)
  • Residential Mixed Use (blue)
  • Community Centre (orange)
  • Commercial (purple)

Land Use Plan


Appendix B-1 – Aerial Photos

Appendix B-2-01 – S’ólh Téméxw

Appendix B-2-02 – Cultural Values

Appendix B-2-03 – Tenures and Private Land

Appendix B-2-04 – Current Posession I.R. #1

Appendix B-2-05 – Current Posession I.R. #2

Appendices Continued

Appendix B-2-06 – Current Land and Water Use I.R. #1

Appendix B-2-07 – Current Land and Water Use I.R. #2

Appendix B-2-08 – Limits to Development

Appendix B-2-09 – Land Use Zones I.R. #1

Appendix B-2-10 – Land Use Zones I.R. #2