Maureen Chapman

Chief of Skawahlook First Nation


Shxwetélemel-elhót, also known as Chief Maureen Chapman, was born in Clearwater, BC. She spent a number of years in Washington State where she graduated from high school, raised her family, attended community college, and returned to BC in the early 1990’s. Her son, Jesse, and his family reside in southeastern Washington State. After returning to BC, Maureen continued her studies at the University of the Fraser Valley and also began her Council work for Sq’ewá:lxw (Skawahlook) First Nation. Maureen is the hereditary Chief of her Nation and was selected for this responsibility in 1999. Sq’ewá:lxw First Nation practices a matrilineal system and her successor is being mentored.

Chief Chapman participates on a number of committees with the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, the BC Assembly of the First Nations and the First Nations Summit.  She is also involved with a Planning Council for Tier 1 Indigenous involvement regarding Forest Fire Prevention and Remediation.  This continued interest stems from Chief Chapman’s involvement with the publishing of Addressing the New Normal: 21st Century Disaster Management in British – co-authored with George Abbott.